
A Random Collection of Writings and Ramblings

13 October 2010

To All The Marionettes...

Every year (except last year) my school puts on a haunted house. This year my friends and I are planning one of the floors. It isn't your normal haunted house, because it's in a working residence hall. Basically we get one hallway and a lounge that is really just a section of the hallway that juts out. The main part of the haunted house should be a kind of "show" in the lounge area. You can't hang anything from the ceiling or completely cover the walls. And this year they're prohibiting fog machines and anything flammable. There are three floors; each should get progressively scarier. We're the middle floor, so basically it should scare the kids, but just seem a little creepy to the adults. Our theme: marionettes. As you can imagine, it isn't the simplest thing to plan.

Our basic jist is a "puppet show" of a wedding, where the marionettes start coming to life, to the puppet master's bewilderment. They go crazy, kill the puppet master, and then go after the audience. Basically, lots of creepy voices, jerky movements, and A.V. effects. We're not sure quite how scary it will be yet. It seems creepy to us, but who knows if someone who doesn't know our plans or storyline will even get it or be scared. In any case, we'll probably look pretty cool and have fun.

So, what else to do at 2 am then but look up pictures of other creepy marionette people for inspiration.

I want this outfit. Also it's the exact style I imagine for our creepy marionettes of win!

Very horror marionette. Good inspiration for our minister.

 This is a lot how I imagined our "broken puppet" that will scare folks near the beginning of our walk through.

Our puppeteer won't be quite like this, but more dramatic albeit unaware. The puppets are the right style though.

Now just imagine her breaking free from her strings, killing her puppeteer, and coming after you. Creepy?

 Oh yeah, and there'll be creepy singing and whispering. And a stobe light. Hopefully. Not your normal haunted house but I think it'll be pretty creepy. Enough to scare the kids at least; our floor isn't supposed to be terrifying. That's the top floor's job. However, their theme: Zombies and Vampires. Together. Fail.

--She held the world upon a string...--

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are kind of creepy. I definitely think that if our floor isn't terrifying, it will still be creepy. xD
